In this game you can create a universe and control its development. The final goal is designated by yourself. Try to get achievements that seem appealing to you. Read hints, explore possibilities and don't be afraid to experiment. In the worst case you can always start from scratch.
Large Numbers
The game deals with some extremely large numbers that are difficult to apprehend in standard decimal notation. This is why most numbers greater than 1 000 are displayed using scientific notation. 1e4 – this is a 10 000, meaning “one with 4 zeroes”. 1e6 – a million, 1e9 – a billion and so on. 13.77e9 – this is 13 billions 770 millions.
During the gameplay you will definitely be able to reach certain achievements. While simpler ones come by themselves, ones that are more complex may be more tricky. You can use the achievements list as a roadmap of hints and suggestions for possible next steps. However there are many achievements that are hidden to not spoil the surprise.
It is unnecessary to try to finish each and every achievement. This is your own universe and you can do whatever you like with it. However, achievements are a nice thing in general, and besides just having a personal feeling of pride and accomplishment you can easily share it with friends!
Each obtained achievement grants you a certain number of karmic points. During the new universe creation you may spend these points to gain some small bonuses that will definitely help you to gain better results.
Spent karmic points are not lost: they will be available for spending again in the next universe. There is a chance that there will be even more of them at that moment.